
When to sow6-8 Weeks before last Frost
Days to Harvest70 -100 Days
Heat Level24000 SHU
SpecieCapsicim Annuum
Sprouts(days)7-15 Days
* General Information – Diferentiations may occur

Name & History

Like the name suggest, in this case, ” Loco hot pepper” is as crazy as it can get for various reasons! Bred from Britain , specie of Capsicum Annuum this ornamental plant is one of our favorites. We know that Anthocyanin and anthoxanthin are responsible for fruit colouring, and in this particular plant we know that these two substances are throwing a huge ” Loco Party” ! What makes this pepper unique among other ornamentals is its spectacular color palette which is so bright and strong that will make you think this plant is fake! goldish yellows , Blazing reds and violets are some of the rainbow colors of this pepper. The plant grows to a bush 1 foot tall and expands widely with its thick greek pointy leaves covering it.

Culinary uses

Like most of the ornamental plants , Loco hot peppers flavor is not its strong suit. We advise you not to crop its fruits and just let it shine on your table or your hanging basket. Choose another specie more in the semi-ornamental category if you want both uses, like Thai Dragon!

Where to buy












Cultivation tips

  • Start 4 weeks before last frost, Indoors
  • Transplant in a sunny spot after you see two leaves.
  • Keep well-watered but not soaked.
  • Apply phosphorus bazed fertilizer.
  • Extensive guide how to grow peppers
to be updated

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