Habanero Orange Hot Pepper
Habanero Orange Hot Pepper


When to sow6-8 Weeks before last Frost
Days to Harvest100+ Days
Heat Level50-100000 SHU (medium)
SpecieCapsicim Chinense
Sprouts(days)7-10 Days
* General Information – Diferentiations may occur


Welcome to the most extensive article about Habanero Orange on the WEB. In this article i will collect and list all the information i can find for Habaneros and i will also quote of growing, cooking and eating them. Now you are maybe wondering why the hassle with habaneros !? The answer that comes with that question is that Habaneros exemplify the Holy grail of every chilli pepperhead in the world! The reasons follow.

History & Name

Habanero Orange Hot Pepper as you must have guessed took the name from Cuba’s Capital ” Havana”. But even if it was named after the city’s name, it was rarely used for traditional Cuban recipes. In fact, it was introduced as a trading ingredient with Mexico’s Yucatán traders, who had the bright idea of baptizing this pepper “La Habaneros” which basically means from La Habana. The domesticated pepper that we all know though, it’s much of different from its ancestors which they appear to be smaller and not so showy! We still don’t know why 8500 years before, Mayan and Aztec cultures decided to travel up to Central America and take those seeds with them. Maybe they saw a god sign, after all we all know these guys had at least a sense of style!

#bonus fact 1

Nikolaus Joseph Von Jaquin

This guy incorrectly assigned a mistaken scientific name of Capsicum Chinense because of pepper’s popularity in China.
After that, many species of the same family followed, like Fatali and others!

More about Nikolaus

#bonus fact 2

The mind of a Samurai

Japanese Mix Habaneros powder with plastic resin to coat various types of cables! They do that so cables stay radent clear, and they are having great success. After their big achievement, other companies from EU and US are also testing them!

Varieties & Cultivars

Habanero changed a lot through the years and as we mentioned before its ancestors were more of a parasitic type of bushes with small fruits, and they say, they weren’t so hot but in our surprise they were a lot milder. Over the years with proper and continues domestication of the specie in breeding farms we ended up in what today call Habanero Pepper. It thrives in many variations of the colour palette from ivory white to red and from yellow to peach to chocolate, and some more. Not all share the same heat level, with white Habanero being the smoothest of all.

*Red Savina

Worlds Hottest Pepper
(Habaneros Subspiece)

Red Savina was the holder of Guinness world record of the hottest pepper on earth scoring the incredible record of 577000 SHU.(Which is a lot!)

How hot Habanero is

Let’s just say that if you consider yourself a normal person that enjoys a bit o spiciness in his taco or having difficulties finishing an arabiata, then i would say a LOT!

The Specifics

Habanero Pepper scores 100-350 000 SHU, which makes it 50-120 times hotter than jalapeño and 10-15 times more than a Cayenne pepper. Below, an image explanatory of how hot it is.

Heat factors

  • Soil and growing method.
  • Watering schedule
  • Climate
  • Harvesting time
  • Stress conditions


If you consider oranges rich in vitamin C Habaneros are upper class. With only 19 calories per fruit and zero fats, habanero is a health delight and will cover your daily Vitamin C needs, if you can eat it! In addition, it also contains capsaicin(like all chillis) which is responsible for triggering our brain to feel the pain of heat! Researches have shown that capsaicin promotes good health and has anti-inflammatory properties.
More of that here.


As internet grows, more and more people are seeking continuously seeking the best of its kind. That’s why you are still reading this article. I can assure you that Habanero is one of a kind and if you get yourself a plant or sow one you will not regret it. Habanero is heavily cultivated in Mexico, Costa rica and other countries among S. America.


Now, many of you are wondering if a Hot pepper like that can stimulate your taste buds before the molten lava arrives! Surprisingly, the answer is yes! Habanero pepper gives a very fruity and sweet taste when it ripe’s and more tart and citrussy but less hot taste at the early stages. The most dominant taste factors of Habanero pepper is:

  • Sweetness
  • Fruitness
  • Very Hot
  • Floral

Depending on your heat tolerance, it will give you a new standard of chilli flavours and scents. It can also remind you the scent of a Scotch bonnet or a Fatalli but we consider Habanero superior.

Culinary uses

  • Hot sauces
  • Marinades
  • Chilli Powder
  • Chilli Paste
  • Pepper Jam
  • Salad dressing
  • Chutney
  • Spicing Drinks
  • Much more

Cultivation Tips

Check the most extensive guide for growing peppers on internet.

Where to Buy












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