
When to sow6-8 Weeks before last Frost
Days to Harvest70 -100 Days
Heat Level0 SHU Sweet
SpecieCapsicim Chinense
Sprouts(days)7-15 Days
* General Information – Diferentiations may occur

Name & History

Lemon Dream Sweet pepper obviously got the name from Lemons color similarity.Lemon Dream is quietly new as a specie and was created by breeding farms in USA.


A prolific variety with medium to small crops of a lemon-Yellowish tapered shaped peppers full of flavor. Lemon Dream pepper even though its sweet , it will give you a bit of heat at the aftertaste, but its totally friendly even for kids who will love its sweet flavor on the long run. It grows to a beautiful green bush, and it makes an exceptional ornamental plant as well.

Culinary uses

Lemon Dream Sweet pepper will make an excellent everyday addon for your salads and your sandwich. It can be used in every way you can imagine , from stuffing it to eating raw directly from the plant, your kids will love it! It fits well with chicken and seafood also. Check some garden recipes and apply them for a complete pleasure.

Where to buy












Cultivation tips

  • Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost.
  • Seeds depth 1/4 Inch(0.5 Cm)
  • Keep temperature above 18C – 65F
  • Transplant to a sunny spot or bigger container (10Lt)
  • DONT Overwater – Less water is needed at the season end.
  • Support plant with a bamboo crane or something so it grows better.
  • Extensive guide how to grow peppers
Pests and Diseases

No sensiticity were noticed, but usual suspects Fungal infection and insects are always on the game, so you better supply yourself with a good organic Insecticide and also fungal solutions so you can apply immediately when problem occurs.

to be updated

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