7 Pot Yellow Hot pepper


When to sow6-8 Weeks before last Frost
Days to Harvest80 -120 Days
Heat Level1 000 000 Shu (Extreme)
SpecieCapsicim Chinense
Sprouts(days)7-15 Days
* General Information – Diferentiations may occur

Name & History

Switch “7” with a Jack and you really hit a Jackpot with this one! 7 Pot Yellow hot pepper is a furious fruit that derives its roots from Exotic Caribbean island Trinindad. Classified as a Capsicum Chinense specie , they say it got its name because one pepper is enough to heat up 7 pots of stew, and the chances are it can do even much better for the faint-hearted taste buds!


7 Pot Yellow hot pepper grows to a bushy dark green plant with yellow fruits and creamy white flowers. It can reach to 80 cm – 25 Inch in height, and it bears a great number of small sized fruits that taste like molten lava! Unlike other chillis in the same Scoville range ,7 pot hot pepper will directly confront its heat level without letting you understand its exact flavor. Actually, its heat levels are so punishing that many military organizations use it like a tear gas in order to stimulate the nerves of the lacrimal gland in the eye to produce tears ! So don’t take it lightly with this one because of it color.

Culinary uses

I dont suggest you eating raw , or even roasted 7 pot Yellow hot pepper. The reason is obvious i think. Overall great chilli salsas , and sauces can be made. You can also dry it and grind it for your hot spices.

Where to buy












Cultivation tips

  • Start 8-10 weeks before last frost, Indoors
  • Pick a sunny spot where it gets 8-12 hours of sun.
  • Spacing between plants 20Inch – 35cm
  • DON’T overwater – Base watering is preferred at start
  • It loves rich soil and develops best when soil rich in Phosphorus and Potassium
  • Not so sensitive to pests and diseases
  • Extensive guide how to grow peppers


7 Pot yellow hot pepper is a great accession for your garden even though its extreme heat. Half pepper will satisfy your spice needs with ease. If you feel like its too much for you maybe look for a Habanero.

to be updated

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